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By The Tokenist*


World Economic Forum: “Can digital securities fund an $18 trillion infrastructure gap?”

With the number of people living in urban slums “expected to triple, reaching three billion,” we are facing a currently insurmountable crisis. Peter Lyons of Atomic Capital penned an article that was recently published as part of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting on why digital securities could prove to be instrumental in meeting the future’s infrastructural funding challenges.

NEWS | 01.17.19 | The Tokenist World Economic Forum: “Can digital securities fund an $18 trillion infrastructure gap?”

tZERO, the blockchain subsidiary of, had one of the most publicized STOs last August, raising some $134 million. The tokens were issued in October and then “locked up” in a custodial wallet for three months. They will now be distributed to investors, who can decide where they wish to hold their tZERO tokens. Options include creating a brokerage account or holding them in their own personal wallet.

Brock Pierce: Security tokens are “revolutionary,” will “give birth to a quadrillion dollar market”

Industry thought leader Brock Pierce has been ahead of the game in numerous blockchain-related ventures. He first become involved with Bitcoin back in 2009, shortly after the groundbreaking network went live. In a recent interview with The FinTech Times, Pierce shared his insight on the future of the blockchain space. 2019 will be a year of significant success for the security token industry, which he says will ultimately transform a quadrillion dollar market.

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Be patient with security token expectations, says HyperLink Capital

The digital wrapper provided by tokenization offers a wealth of benefits. It’s already experienced implementation in the traditional financial securities sector, to include luxury property, REITs, equity, investment funds, and fine art ownership. Such an atmosphere has created a significant buzz around security tokens. Many perceive they will go on to seriously disrupt the capital markets industry in the near-future.

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton: “I’m not going to change rules just to fit a technology”

Jay Clayton officially took office in May 2017. When he was sworn in, he wasn’t asked a single question related to blockchain or cryptocurrencies. Now, a common debate concerning regulations centers upon security tokens. Some believe that tokenized securities need new laws—but Clayton has consistently implied that security tokens are subject to the existing securities laws as established by his commission.

STOs v. ICOs: What’s the difference?

ICOs were all the rage in 2017 and early 2018, raising billions upon billions of dollars. But a disproportionate number of these projects failed to deliver. With ICOs falling to the wayside amid legal concerns, a new token offering model is on the horizon: security token offerings. Learn the crucial difference between these two models.

Patrick Byrne and go all-in on security tokens

Founder Patrick Byrne is planning to sell and direct his full attention to the blockchain industry. Byrne’s most anticipated project in the blockchain space is the developing security token exchange tZero. The platform raised $134 million during its initial offering and aims to operate under SEC approval within months.

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